VIDEO: If This Country Goes To War, It Will Be On Your Head - Hon. Edward Bawa To Electoral Commission Chairlady Jean Mensa.

If This Country Goes To War, It Will Be On Your Head - Hon. Edward Bawa To Electoral Commission Chairlady Jean Mensa.

The Honourable MP For Bongo, Hon. Edward Abambire Bawa has chastised the chair lady for the Electoral Commission Of Ghana over her recent strife to have only the Ghana Card as the only required document for registration of the Voters ID.

During the EC Boss delivery on the floor of parliament earlier today concerning the new EC C.I for the 2024 General Elections, She insisted on the need to use only the Ghana Card as basis and eligibility for registration of the Voters ID.

She denounced the relevance of Birth certificate and passport.

This her stance was what pushed the honorable MP for Bongo to site election related violence that occured in neighbouring countries like Cote D'Ivoire etc.

The law maker further pointed it out to the EC Boss that should Incase Ghana's long outstanding peace gets disrupted because of election related violence and wars, it will be on the her sole head.

The Right Honourable Speaker however asked him to withdraw his statement since there's a mention of  "WAR", to which he did.

HON. EDWARD BAWA further pointed out to the EC Boss an instance in 2016 which he thinks will do the EC Boss s great advantage in her line of duty.

Watch the video below for more.

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