
Showing posts with the label Yariga

The Vea Irrigation Dam Spillway Menace Will Be Fixed In Six (6) Months From Today - Minister for Roads and Highways To Hon. Edward Bawa.

The Vea Irrigation Dam Spillway Menace will be fixed in 6 months from today - Minister for Roads and Highways to Hon. Edward Bawa. The Vea dam spillway has been a headache to the  people of vea and the Bongo district at large.  During rainy seasons, people find it difficult to cross from Vea to Gowrie, Yariga etc and the vice versa due to the poor road network and absence of bridges. With the poor road network as the main cause, a lot of people do make use of the boats which usually comes with a fee by the boat owner(s). Mr. Saddat Hamidu crossing over to his worksite using a boat. It is therefore a great concern and the MP for Bongo, Honourable Edward Bawa couldn't have turned a deaf ear to his people than to drag the Minister for Roads and Highways to Parliament to answer questions as to when the government will come to salvage the situation. Below are pictures of questions asked by the  Honourable MP. The Minister after it all stated that the issue will be solved in 6months from