Honourable Edward Bawa Paid A Surprise Visit To Namoo Youth.

Honourable Edward Bawa Paid A Surprise Visit To Namoo Youth.

The Member of Parliament for Bongo, Hon. Edward Bawa on Thursday September 30, 2021 paid a surprise visit to Namoo Youth to interact with them and other constituents.

Hon. Edward Bawa with Youth at Namoo Boarder football field.

Hon. Bawa at Oware Base (Namoo Market)

The law maker went round all parts of the Namoo market where he took time to play games with the youth as well as to interact with the market women and apprentices.

Hon. Edward Bawa playing cards with Youth at Namoo Market Square.

In his interactions, He indicated that Parliament was on recess, and as part of his activities he was there to find out how they were faring and to also know their expectations from him in this his second tenure at Parliament.

Hon. Bawa listening to the pleas of a Mother at the Namoo Market.

Hon. Bawa at a Smock Weaving Center.
The youth in general and the kids were very excited with The Mp's presence and encouraged him to continue with his good works.

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