Honourable Edward Bawa Embarks On A Constituency Thank You Tour.

Three months after the December 2020 presidential and Parliamentary elections, the Member Of Parliament for Bongo constituency in the Upper East Region, Hon Edward Abambire Bawa is embarking on a THANK YOU TOUR

Edward Bawa at Apatanga

Bongo constituency currently has one hundred and twenty polling stations with a voter population of about fifty nine thousand. The MP is therefore visiting every polling station and many times sections to thank the people for voting massively for him and John Mahama. The tour began on 14th April at Apuwongo where residents applauded him for renovating their only CHPS Compound which deteriorated for many years. 

Edward Bawa at Bongo Soe - Yidoongo.

He continues to many other places. At Beo Lembiisi Moosi Dabooren, the people came out in their numbers to meet the MP and to show their gratitude to him for donating hundred bags of cement for the completion of their primary school. This community on their own started putting up a primary school but ran out of funds. It was therefore a timely intervention when the MP donated hundred bags of cement to them.

Edward Bawa at Bongo central

At Beo Kansingo the people could not hide their joy upon seeing the MP, this is because he wired and renovated their school. A resident of Kansingo, George appealed to the MP to help facilitate the creation of another constituency since Bongo is so large for one MP.

George seated in the middle

The tour took him to many polling stations and sections where people applauded him for the provision of development projects and demanded for more. At Bongo central, market women danced to songs composed by their colleague trader Lydia Ayamga to show gratitude to the MP. 

Watch the market women and their dance below;

The market Queen thanked the MP for renovating an abandoned toilet and supporting them financially in their business.

Edward Bawa at Apuwongo

In all his visits for the first week, Edward Bawa thanked the people and told them that the only tool that can bring development to Bongo is unity. He therefore asked the people to burry their political differences and come together as a constituency.

Hon Edward Bawa at Sa'abo

The tour continues till all parts of the constituency is covered.

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