Honourable Edward Bawa donates hundred bags of cement to Beo Lembiisi Moosi Daboren community

The Member of Parliament for Bongo who is currently on a thank you tour visited Lembiisi Moosi Dabooren, a community in Beo. He was accompanied by some party elders and constituency executives.

Speaking at the function, the community leaders expressed their gratitude to the MP for donating hundred bags of cement for the completion of their primary school. 

The community on their own started putting up a primary school but ran out of funds. It was therefore a timely intervention when the MP donated hundred bags of cement to them.

Beo Lembiisi Moosi Dabooren Primary School

The community in thanking the MP used the opportunity to appeal to the government to come to their aid since their children are currently studying under trees even without furniture. They further appealed to the MP to provide the school with a borehole because pupils travel long distance to drink water.

The MP also thanked the people for coming out in their numbers to vote for him and John Mahama. He assured them of the provision of the borehole. He added that the only tool that can bring development to Lembiisi Moosi Dabooren is unity. He therefore appealed to the people to burry their political differences and come together as a community.

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