DCE for Bongo running political campaigns in schools.

The honourable DCE for Bongo Hon. Ayinbisa Peter has been accused of running school campaigns, this was after some pictures of him were taken during the provision of the government's free hot meal to final year junior high school students.

With reference to the pictures, all factors points to the conclusion that the DCE was engaging the students in a campaign as the DCE has been captured showing his four fingers that symbolizes 4more4Nana. This was what prompted and pushed a citizen who resides in the Bongo district to accuse the DCE of wrong doing on his social media handle. The said citizen questioned why the DCE was there as his presence wasn't needed, he again asked if the DCE was there to serve the students himself?

Click to see his post on Facebook.

The said pictures were reported to have been taken at Anafobiisi Junior high school B, a school within the district which is so close to the formal residence of the DCE. This is because there are some known faces in the pictures which includes;

Hon. Atambire's Desmond (Head teacher of Anafobiisi Junior high school "B" and former assembly man for Feo).

Charles whose surname is unknown. (A Nabco beneficiary in Anafobiisi Junior high school B)

Oscar Abanga (known teacher at Anafobiisi Junior high school B.)

See pictures below;

DCE engaging students

Dce with the supposed hot meal

DCE showing the 4more4Nana symbol

Political campaigns in schools of this short aren't new as several videos has been circulating on social media in which there was one where students were forced to say 4more4Nana before they were given the supposed hot meal. 

Fingers are crossed as we at expert news will investigate to bring out more revelations surrounding this matter.

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